Sunday, July 16, 2006

big b

BEING a great fan of Mr Bacchan I always admires him a lot. He is the person most versatile in the BOLLYWOOD . as he has seen lots

in the the film line . My wish is , that he should start devoting some time for the childrens from the age group of 4yrs to 12 yrs by the way

Of sharing his experience during his entire life span till date .

These children have the very strong IQ . these childrens are spontaneous . they don’t take chance for mistakes. No doubt these children are

Even selfish by the nature …..EXAMPLE – IF u ask these people with the question – what between the two they would like to have water or

Biscuit …do you know what will be their answer …..Ans will be biscuit .

Its not because they like biscuit because , they know they will get water after the biscuit. These way they achieve both the goal.

That is the only reason , I wish Mr Bacchan to share his experience with these upcoming future .so as to let these people(children )

To understand new field and can have better choice in the vast field of competition .

mi personal feeling is that, these people can bring our bollywood industry global . as these children have very good understanding

And a very good IQ


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